
Medlem sedan: 2008-08-22
Senast inloggad: 2008-08-31


Hej, Mopedfans.

We are Marc & Judy from The Netherlands.

We are trying to restore our Swedish/Dutch Monark flakmoped as original as possible.
Our carriers were used in the 60's by the Dutch Postal Services to deliver parcels.
Some parts were specially altered for the Dutch law requirements, like the side boards (Framskärm).
The frame was custom made to fit the mahogany wooden box (flak) from the all- ready existing post cykel-carrier.
We are searching for all kinds of information, such as: Photo's, archief materials, official documents etc.
We still don't know how many of these carriers were made for our country, and we even don't have any pictures from that period.
Even our Postal Museum, now museum for communications, doesn't have any information.

All the info we have been able to collect and the progress of the restauration of our carrier can be viewed on our site:

Thank you very much..

Marc & Judy.


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